Reflects Faith in God Almighty which is manifested in the behavior of implementing religious teachings and beliefs, respecting religious differences, upholding a tolerant attitude towards the implementation of religious warship and other beliefs, living in harmony and peace with adherebts of other religions.
The values that are based on efforts to make him/herself a person who can always be trusted in words, actions and work, has a strong commitment and loyalty towards human and moral values.
Attitudes and behavior that do not dependent on others or something and use all of energy, thoughts, time to realize hopes and dreams.
Put First Things First
The act that shows how to manage ourself, including organize and execute around self important priorities, It is living and being driven by the principles we value most, not by the agendas and forces surrounding us.
A way of thinking, behaving, and acting that shows loyalty, concern and high respect for language, the physical, social, cultural, economic andpolitical environment of the nation, give priority of nation’s importance or interest on individual’s or group’s interest.
The act that shows respecting the spirit of cooperation and working hand in hand to solve common problems, establish, comminication and friendship, provide help/ assistance to people in need.
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